Virtual Hackathon

Virtual hackathon The very first hackathon will take place during 27/28th June 2018 with the aim of creating a range of content for the practice library. This will be a range of activities and techniques that are used when working with open source software and projects. The aim of this first hackathon is to neatly capture what we do as a series of activities and techniques, so that they can then be catalogued and reviewed as the first part of the openessence. [Read More]

Schneider Model

What is the Schneider Model? The Schneider cultural model isn’t a new approach (it has its origins in the mid 90’s) but it’s relevant today. When applying technical and process changes as part of a transformation, this activity provides the means of assessing the current culture and how effective these changes may be. The Schneider Model identifies the primary, underlying culture which shapes the organisation. There are 4 main types: - Control - Cultivation - Collaboration - Competence [Read More]