Business Priority Exercise

What is a Business Priority Exercise? The business priroity exercise is a method for structuring a conversation with a customer around their strategy and business priorities. Using 12 magnetic cards which contain generic priorities, the facilitator asks the group to select their top 3 from a business perspective. As the group are working out which 3 to select, the facilitator should be asking probing questions about their thought process. [Read More]

Business Strategy Workshop

What is a Business Strategy Engagement? The Red Hat Strategy Engagement takes business leaders out of their day to day environment to explore their future business strategy and position Red Hat as technology partner of choice. The outputs from the workshops are: Day 1 Understanding of what a Journey Map is Agreed topics to take into the Journey Mapping Workshop Output document containing: Customer Strategy Business Priority Output RTI Assessment document Day 2 [Read More]


What is Pathfinder? Pathfinder is a web based application assessment tool which is used by customers to determine which applications could be containerised, the effort involved and any impediments to the containerisation process. Pathfinder enables customers to view the order in which applications should be migrated as well as help determine the type of work involved e.g migrate, modernise etc, and a course estimate of the effort required. Why use it? [Read More]